Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back Home

Dear Little Crystal,
I'm home!
I really can't believe I am here. It seems like a lifetime has passed. As I drove from my rental house in Riverside County down through Orange County and into Hollywood the other day, a flood of emotions washed over me.
I missed every street, every sidewalk, every traffic-ridden freeway! I love California. This is were we belong.
You were born in Detroit Michigan but from your bleach-blond hair to your sparkling blue eyes, you have always been a California girl!
In the morning when you wake up, you know what the weather will be. When you set off for school down Pauline, to Rosemary, and then down the small alley (that you pretend is an alley in New York), across Holder to your elementary school of the same name, you will need a
hoodie from the cool morning air.

But, by lunchtime, when you set out on the playground and find Lisa leaning on a pole, the sun will shine down and warm the pavement and your hoodie will hang from the back of your chair.
As you grow up you will learn to drive. You will drive to Anaheim almost nightly to go to Disneyland to see Krash play! You will drive to work at Baskin Robbins on Valley View. You will drive to Long Beach to hang out with your sister when you and mom can't get a long. Your car is awesome a 1968 Mustang! You call her "Becky"! She will take you all around this wonderful golden state!
As I drove by and on some of those same streets, it occurred to me how much I had missed MY California. I actually began to feel choked up inside. I have been all around the United States. I have been to Mexico. I have been to Hawaii. I have lived In 3 states, California, Nevada and Kansas. But, until I drove around here again, I never realized how much I was connected to this place.
The traffic doesn't bother me, it is a part of me. The same with the smog, the people, the noise, the economy. I never knew that a place, one solitary place could make me feel so much emotion.
In your life, you will write love letters, poems and even songs to those that you give your heart to. But, your heart really belongs to California. I wish I had known that. I would have never left.
As always, I love you!
I guess now I realize that you love California!


  1. 3 little kittens sitting in a tree, look at that one, he looks just like me!
    Please dont ever forget I was in all those memories with you, miss you and love you! Welcome home You made me cry right now Talk soon or one day.

  2. You are in many memories, but I hope you realize you are not in every memory. I have lots of memories of California that don't include you. And this blog is not an ode to those people in my past but actually a love letter to the little girl I once was.
